Mill Creek - (Bristol Oxford Valley rd) Levittown, PA   

Invasive Knotweed and sticker bush removal then Native Reforestation, Riparian Buffer and Floodplain to prevent erosion and lessen storm water

Mill Creek (Bristol Oxford Valley rd) Levittown, PA - Tree Planting to Lessen Stormwater


Along Black Ditch, a tributary of Mill Creek in Levittown, Bristol Township PA we are installing a riparian buffer to help lessen storm water. We will be removing invasive shrubs then planting native trees and native berrying shrubs to spread the good native plants by feeding birds on this 3 acre county property.

Photo Gallery History of this Mill Creek Project

Tree source: Keystone 10 Million Trees

With the help of Penn State Master Watershed Stewards, we treated an acre of knotweed with herbicide to enable native reforestation in the coming years.

2024 Volunteer Dates

Native Trees and Shrubs, Timeline, and Partners

Timeline Tree planting Spring 2023

Land owner agreement with Bucks County 

Site Preparation

Bristol Township helped clear area of Sticker bushes and downed trees, helped dispose of Knotweed with a donated Dumpster and 8 hours of Backhoe / Brush hog invasive removal.

Trees were planted


Native Trees

Native Shrubs 

Bristol Township donated 8 hours of Heavy Machinery and and 2 dumpsters for Knotweed Removal.

We sawed the knotweed and shoveled out the huge Knotweed shrub bases.

Native Speckled Alder along the creek. (Medicinal tree - you can chew on the bark and it is like Tylenol)

We moved some nice boulders so you can sit on them along the creek.

Videos from Mill Creek at Bristol Oxford Valley Rd - Levittown, PA

Video: 3-21-2023 Spring

First Season Spring 2023 of the Black Ditch / Mill Creek, Riparian Buffer and Flood Plain

Video: 12-18-2023 storm

Lost many Shrubs in this storm 12-18-2023 at Black Ditch / Mill Creek, Riparian Buffer and Flood Plain

Video: 6-4-2024 update

Trees looking good alot of Wildflower, River Birch in the Knotweed area looks good too.

Project Updates

(4-6-24) - Livestakes and Tree Planting

On Saturday 4-6-24, Penn State - Master Watershed Stewards provided 250 live stakes of native shrubs. Along with the help from Bucks County Sewa, Master Watershed stewards and and other Excel Events volunteers, we planted 5 river birch in the flood plain where knotweed was herbicided last fall. In a seperate area 2 Persimmon, and blue berry where planted along the 3 acre nature trail loop on this property. At this site we planted half of the live stakes, 125 live stakes will help prevent the stream bank from eroding now, adding biodiversity and native food for wildlife. The Live stakes consisted of species such as:

Live stakes species:

(7-6-24) - Some second year Native Wild Flower planted last year coming up now and most of the trees are just about to start showing growing out of the tubex.